Is this the beginning of another crackdown?

The first under Abdullah?

Police report has been filed against Anwar by his aide, a tall and good-looking man (as claimed by a Singaporean Journalist) claiming Anwar has backdoor-ed him.  However, according to a reliable source, the handsome fella was pick up by police, hours before he filed the report against Anwar.

Anwar’s supporters believed that the police will pick up the charismatic opposition adviser anytime now. As so, they have flooded Anwar’s residence to safeguard the man.

If they arrest him, this will definitely trigger another uprising. This will give Abdullah all the reason to begin a crackdown against his critics, bloggers included.

And perhaps, declare the state of emergency.

Update 1.00 am – “Beribu sedang berkumpul di Quality Hotel Shah Alam menghalang pihak yang cuba menangkap DSAI atas tuduhan serupa dengan episod 1998” Radio Belukar KB.

Update 1.10am. “An aide of a senior opposition has alleged in a police report that the politician sodomised him, he has been warded in hospital”./ Star News Alert.

Update 9.08am. “No arrest has been made yet. Anwar will hold a Press Conference today in Shah Alam. According to my source closely link to Anwar, the fella in the centre of this latest indescribable accusation against the former DPM, has only been working with Anwar for the last 3 months.

Anwar was quoted as saying, the 23 years old Saiful Bahari has been missing for two days. Anwar then was informed that Saiful was picked up by police yesterday and hours later filed a police report against Anwar.

Is Saiful being planted all along?”